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Translations > Proofreading

Linguistic proofreading (editing)

Linguistic proofreading is used to keep to a minimum minor defects and errors in a translated text. This type of proofreading is necessary where the given text is intended for publication or public presentation. Our linguistic proofreading (editing) service checks the grammar, spelling, typography, style, comprehensibility and completeness of the text, its conformity to requirements for graphic design and its overall quality.

Pre-printing proofreading

Pre-printing proofreading is directly related to linguistic proofreading. It focuses on the same areas as linguistic correction but works with texts after typesetting when they have their final graphical form. At this stage it is possible to check other potential problem areas that may not have been apparent at the time of linguistic proofreading before typesetting. It mainly takes the form of notes inserted directly into the final typeset document in PDF format.


Revision is carried out in accordance with the STN EN 15038 standard. It is performed by a person other than the translator who has the necessary competence in the source and target languages. The reviser checks whether the translation is suitable for its purpose. This work includes, depending on the requirements of the project, comparing the source and target text, checking the uniformity of terminology and the appropriateness of the linguistic register and style.


Review is also carried out in accordance with the STN EN 15038 standard. The review reviews the text in the target language focussing on the suitability of this text for the agreed purpose. The reviewer is a specialist in the given area and a native speaker of the target language.




